Sunday, March 27, 2016

When a hike turns into so much more!

Today is Easter and my boys are off at the golf course.  I don't like to hike Quicksilver by myself, but I figured families might be out, so I wouldn't feel alone.

As I entered the park and the start of my hike, a lady asked if the park was free.  I said "yes" and then explained to her it could be quite confusing and told her to walk with me to the place where you can get maps.  I then invited her to go along with me on my walk by the reservoir. I told her it was about 4.3 miles. It was actually over five.

I didn't know, and she didn't know, what a wonderful connection we would have by the end of the walk. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know May. She is an immigrant from China and has lived in Chicago and San Diego.  She is here now because her son is a Finance major at San Jose State.

I thought I would see some wildflowers. But imagine my surprise when the first thing I saw were cows!

I told my new friend that we would be climbing a bit and then would get to the downhill portion. I made a reference to the Sound of Music and how all the people reminded me of the Von Trapp family making their way through the mountains.

Little did I know then that May learned English in part by listening to the Sound of Music.  She knows it by heart and sang a little bit for me in a fabulous soprano voice.  My new friend is very educated and talented.  She came to America on an exchange basis. She had been teaching in China and transferred to Chicago. She then fell in love, married and moved to San Diego. She has master degrees and studied English in college.  She is very sharp in the language and I didn't feel any kind of language gap.  I could tell she had an appreciation for nature, openness, communication, freedom.... all things also important to me!

As we spoke we talked about being inspired by thoughtful and educated people. I shared with her that I am an ambivert, a word she didn't know.  The definition is, "a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features." We talked about balance in life, perception as a guide in our life's journey, and making the most of what life presents before us.

I know, pretty heavy stuff for a nature hike. And I just loved it!!!!!

May had a camera, not just an iPhone camera, so we stopped several times to capture the beauty.

I don't know my flowers and rocks very well. I do know I love the Serpentine rock that is also the rock of California. It's a beautiful blue-grey specimen.

From wild flowers to a wild unexpected meeting of the minds, this was a hike to remember.  We have already promised to meet up again for another hike in the near future.

My advice for today is to always welcome a stranger with more than just a smile. If I hadn't engaged in the conversation it would have been my loss!

Life works in mysterious ways!  I actually have someone I can sing Sound of Music songs with. Who would ever have put me with a Chinese immigrant and the sound track to that movie?  Strange and wonderful!

May has a memoir she has written, and has published some excerpts including one about Tiananmen Square.  I too can claim to be a published author, having had several articles printed in various newspapers, and a line of poetry used in the Santa Clara Mass Poem.  I told her about my app on my phone that can double as a journal. It's called Day One and allows for text and photos.  I love having the capability to write something right after I appreciate a moment.

Still on a high from my walk, I was again surprised by a phone call while I was driving. I was being FACETIMED by my family in Southern California.  So I got my fill of iPhone kisses from my great nephew, Mason, and all is well with the world!

Nothing a good hike and some good kisses can't fix.