Today started out innocently enough. I planned to walk to Costco to get contacts for my son, and get some exercise in at the same time. It's a little over four miles round trip, but before I even made it back home I was creating this blog in my mind.
I was walking and listening to Adele on my iPhone headphones. I was looking forward to her concert that I'm seeing later this month. It was time to refresh myself with some of her lyrics. So while I was walking in a bit of a daze and zoned out to Adele, it happened. I passed a plant. And then I backtracked because something seemed off.
The Lantana was not alone. It had company. The Viola was integrated with the Lantana. I don't know which plant had soil rights. But mother nature got it right. They live together in harmony. I think the plant colors go nice together. Why can't human beings be like this? Why does everything need to be so black or white? Let's have blends and new communities.
And if we are going to build walls, let them be of Lantana!
We can't continue to be like dead logs. We must do our part.
Let's prune. Let's cut away excess. The end result could be beautiful.
Should we be in a swing state?
I think we should stop and go 11 mph. That way we will really have time to think in our hurried lives.
We may not always like what we see. I found a dead squirrel with the body in one place and the tail in another. It's disturbing. But, so is the bloodshed of innocent people, and cops.
We don't have to fly the American flag to be a good citizen. But, we should care.
Sometimes I long for the simpler times. When the ice cream man came around, and day camps strolled our streets. Oh, they still do. Of course, the ice cream isn't cheap anymore.
We need to keep building a better future.
All the while being conscientious and changing with the times. Bust a lawn, or government.
Of course, we can always do better. But we must remember, that Plant life matters!
As a final thought, these photos were all taken on my walk today. Granted they became a bit coerced once I got the creative idea to write a blog. It just goes to show that we can all manipulate what is out before us. We can put our own spin on things. It's the same world. We all live in it. Let's stop being so right or wrong, let's allow for interpretations that may be different than our own. Let's go beyond Fox News or MSNBC. Let's water less, play more, and live together in peace and harmony.